Why I Live Alone

A lot of people seem surprised when I tell them I choose to live alone. I’ve lived with my family, 3 sets of people at university and honestly, It’s put me off living with other people. Don’t get me wrong, I made some amazing friends at uni, but I…

DIY & New Homeware

If you’ve read my blog before, you’ll know I bought my first house in December last year and have been adding making it my home ever since (you can read my house-buying journey here and my previous homeware haul here). I’ve had a box full of frames and odd bits…

Gaining Self Confidence

No one has ever told me that I’m ‘fat’, at least not to my face but that’s my opinion of myself. I’ve had years of failed diets and self loathing and that’s just how I see myself. I want to be able to look in the mirror and not…

Cat Mother

If you’re familiar with my blog, you’ll know I got myself a furry little friend as soon as I moved into my house. I’ve wanted a pet for as long as I can remember, I was always jealous of my friends who had cats and dogs, not content with…

Becoming A Homeowner

On the 11th of December 2015, I officially became a home owner. I’d been saving for years, putting whatever was left at the end of my pay cheque into my savings account and watching the balance slowly go up. Owning a house was something I’d wanted for years, and…

Get To Know Me

I thought i’d do a little ’20 facts about me’ to get things going. I’m not going to say these will be all interesting facts, cause who really has 20 interesting facts about themselves?! Anyway… here we go!